I’m now operating as a Sole Trader again and the official business name is: Faith Watson Singing for Larks
Account Name: Faith Watson Singing for Larks
Account No: 63152872
Sort Code: 08-92-50
Bank: The Co-operative Bank
Reference: Use your name and, if relevant, your order number, as the reference
NB. You will probably get an alert message saying something like: “!The account number and name don’t match!” There seems to be nothing the Coop Bank can do to make this stop so, once you’ve double checked that you’ve entered the account details as above, carry on with the transaction, ignoring the ! warning. Sorry about this – it’s very annoying!
For International transfers only:
International Bank Account number(IBAN): GB19CPBK08925063152872
Bank Identifier Code(BIC): CPBKGB22