Easy in Sunshine

  • Number of parts: 4
  • Difficulty: Easy & Quick
A short, layered song about relaxing on a beach in the sunshine. Each part has just one repeated line.


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Each of the 4 voice parts in this layered song has just one short, repeated phrase, which has a different rhythm from the others, as well as different notes. The parts can all be sung at the same time or in various groupings, & the sound changes with each combination. Although there are a couple of clashes & cross rhythms, each voice part is fairly straightforward, so I’ve categorised this song as Quick & Easy.

I’ve been lucky enough to lead some singing holidays abroad, where this song has been completely appropriate for the situation… more often, of course, I sing it in a church hall in the North West of England, accompanied by the sound of rain on the roof. It’s good to dream!