Manchester Larks

Our final term after 34 glorious years!!

This informal weekly group has been going, in one form or another, since 1991, led by Faith throughout. With Faith’s move to Wales this summer, next term will be the final term for Manchester Larks and we intend to make it a total celebration!

There will just be 6 sessions (see below for dates) and each one will be a standalone celebration of our favourite songs.

If you’ve ever come along to Manchester Larks over the last 34 years, please do join us for at least one of these sessions.

If you have chance to do so, email Faith: (by 23rd September) and let us know when you’re coming. Also tell us your 8 favourite Manchester Larks songs. We’ll do our best to include some of everyone’s favourites.

“I feel properly alive for the first time in years!!” (new member 2023)


This photo was taken at our 25th anniversary celebrations at Victoria Baths in 2016.

Where: St James’ Church. 95a, Princess Road, Moss Side, M14 4TH. Accessible venue. Car park at rear.

When: Tuesdays, 7 – 9 pm (including a break with hot drinks available).

Final Term:

  • October 1st
  • October 15th
  • October 29th
  • November 12th
  • November 26th
  • December 10th
Photo taken 2016 – 25th anniversary celebrations at Victoria Baths.

Price:                                             Top Rate*       Middle Rate*    Lower rate*

PER TERM (6 sessions) **         £32.00             £23.00              £14.00

PER SESSION                               £8.50               £6.00                £4.00

*Three Rates: There are three prices shown. As a guide, the top rate is for those whose household income is equivalent to a decent full wage, the middle rate is for those whose household income is equivalent to a part-time or low wage and the lower rate is for those whose household income is equivalent to being unwaged and relying on benefits. Wages don’t always reflect financial circumstances so please choose whichever price feels right for your personal situation. NB: If you don’t feel able to pay even the lower rate, just contact me – we’ll work something out.

**Per term payments must be made by 15th October. After that, payment is per session only.



  • Simply pay at the session. I bring lots of change!

Bank Transfers:

  • Account Type:       Business
  • Account Name:      Faith Watson
  • Account number:   63152872-00
  • Sort code:              08-92-50
  • Bank:                       The Cooperative Bank
  • Reference:             If possible, your name and: M.L.

“Singing for Larks – the name says it all really – making lovely music with other singers and having lots of fun – aided and abetted by the talented Faith Watson. Singing with the Manchester Larks group is always a rewarding experience, including outbursts of hilarity as well as magical meditative moments when our voices truly blend together. It’s great to learn new songs each term as well as revisiting old favourites and although some songs can be quite a challenge, there’s a real sense of achievement when we master them. What more can I say? It’s just the best way I know of spending a Tuesday evening!”