Contemporary Acapella
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While this category doesn’t suggest a specific musical style, it does indicate that these songs have been created specifically to be sung unac
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Back Together
- Number of parts: 4
- Difficulty: Quite Easy

Day Turns to Night
- Number of parts: 4
- Difficulty: Easy & Quick

Earth Has Music For Those Who Listen (The)
- Number of parts: 6
- Difficulty: Easy & Quick

Easy in Sunshine
- Number of parts: 4
- Difficulty: Easy & Quick

Gotta Move On / Slow Down
- Number of parts: 3 or 6
- Difficulty: Quite Easy

Have a Go
- Number of parts: 4
- Difficulty: Moderate

I’ve Been Workin’
- Number of parts: 4
- Difficulty: Quite Easy

Joy and Harmony
- Number of parts: 4
- Difficulty: Easy & Quick

Kunnes Taas Tapaamme / Until We Meet Again
- Number of parts: 3
- Difficulty: Quite Easy

Life is Too Short
- Number of parts: 5
- Difficulty: Easy & Quick

Night Shelter
- Number of parts: 4 or 5
- Difficulty: Some Challenges